Saturday, August 25, 2007

Spilt Milk Twice In 1 Day!!

I really do think my brain is thinking faster then my actions. Twice today I knew my kids' milk was right next to me and twice today, I spilt milk! I can't seem to keep a straight thought between my family and home balance, the Tiny Tots Coupon Book, the house renovations, getting organized, and blah, blah, blah... And why is my 15 mth old still up when his bedtime was 12 minutes ago?

Anyways, life lately has been a bit crazy with balancing the kids, the husband, the business, but soon hopefully things will balance themselves out. Who am I kiddding?? The coupon book will be ready to pick up on Wednesday, and then it's distribution time! We have gotten a ton of hits on our website ( and lots of people have entered the contest, signed up for the news, given us feedback, and left us nice notes. It's been really fun and it feels like soon it will pay off.

One thing I'm missing are my friends right now. I hope the moms can get together soon because they really are a big part of my network:-) I have been spending a lot of time with the husband and family, so that's satisfying.

On that note, I must get the 15mth to bed, the 3 1/2 yr old's teeth brushed, read the books, say the prayers, get him to bed, and then work, work, work...

Thanks for all the support! Check out the new website if you get a chance!

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